Leverage PIM Capabilities to the Fullest With These Best Practices

Leverage PIM Capabilities to the Fullest With These Best Practices
Note: A T-Shirt with all the product details in PIM
Leverage PIM Capabilities to the Fullest With These Best Practices

Pranu Dhyani

Brands & Communications

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Managing product data and keeping it up-to-date and accurate is a challenge when it comes to a humongous set of SKUs and numerous catalogues. Fortunately, there are some great strategies that can help make your job easier in managing product information. Like implementing PIM! 


It is essential to have a roadmap and implement PIM with best practices to leverage its capabilities to the fullest. PIM is designed to reduce complexity and for its successful implementation, it is important to stay on track from start to end by following best practices. 

Know your requirements and have a roadmap for implementation 

Having a clear understanding of your requirements and a roadmap for PIM implementation is essential for successful product information management. It is important to define the scope of the project, identify stakeholders, set goals and objectives, determine budget constraints, and analyze existing systems and processes that may be impacted by the implementation or require integration with other systems. Additionally, it’s important to assess any risks associated with data migration or system upgrades before embarking on an implementation journey. By having this knowledge in hand you can create an effective plan that will ensure success throughout each step of your PIM initiative. 

Having a clear strategy in place for how you want to manage your product data includes deciding which channels will be used for sharing this information with customers or other stakeholders as well as what format the data should take (e.g., CSV files). 

Data governance to keep it in check  

Data governance is an essential component when it comes to PIM systems as with a strong data governance strategy, organizations can ensure their PIM systems are effective and efficient when it comes to managing product information.  

At its core, data governance is about setting standards for how product information should be managed within a PIM system. This includes defining rules around who has access to different types of product information and what processes need to be followed when creating or updating existing records. It also involves establishing policies regarding which sources are used for collecting new or updated product information as well as how this content should be validated before being added to the PIM database.  

By having defined guidelines in place that all stakeholders must adhere to, organizations can minimize errors associated with incorrect or outdated products due to incorrect input of data into the system by non-authorized personnel. Furthermore, with clearly established protocols surrounding where new content originates from – such as suppliers’ catalogues versus internal marketing teams – companies will have greater confidence knowing their customers are receiving accurate details about their products at all times across multiple channels including online stores and printed catalogues alike.   

Additionally, robust control over user permissions allows administrators to limit access to only those employees who require specific levels of privileges within certain sections of the PIM application; preventing unauthorized changes from being made without permission from key decision-makers. As such, comprehensive user management capabilities help maintain an orderly structure throughout your organization’s entire digital asset library while simultaneously protecting sensitive business assets from potential threats.  

Enriched product data and high-resolution visual assets need to be in your database to be distributed by PIM.

Identify and define Roles and Responsibilities 

Everyone involved in maintaining the PIM system understands their roles and responsibilities so they can work together effectively towards common goals related to the accuracy and timeliness of updates/changes made within the system itself. 

The roles and responsibilities of PIM implementation are critical to the success of any project. The Project Manager is responsible for the overall management, organizing resources, planning and scheduling tasks, monitoring progress against objectives, and ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of their respective roles. The Technical Lead will be responsible for developing specifications based on business requirements as well as designing system architecture to meet those needs. Additionally, they will ensure proper testing procedures are in place prior to deployment into a production environment. Finally, the Implementation Team should develop an effective training plan so end users can become proficient with utilizing the new system quickly and efficiently once it has gone live. 

Invest in automated tools and integrations 

Consider investing in automated tools such as AI/ML algorithms or robotic process automation software which could greatly reduce the manual labour associated with updating large amounts of products at once. Automation also helps ensure consistency across different platforms where customers may view specific products, meaning less time spent manually checking each one individually. Also, make use of analytics tools such as dashboards or reports on customer behaviour & preferences so you can better understand what types of content resonates most strongly with them – this way changes made within PIM systems are more likely tailored towards meeting customer needs!   

Enrich product information to leverage PIM capabilities 

PIM can only manage your information and distribute it to reach all customer touchpoints but to make the most out of PIM you must enrich your product information before pushing that data into a PIM system. By enriching product data with detailed descriptions, images, videos, or other relevant content, businesses can leverage the capabilities of their PIM system in order to provide customers with an enhanced shopping experience. This will help boost customer engagement and loyalty while also increasing sales opportunities.

 PIM for enhancing customer experience 

Ultimately all this hassle is for customers and for the business to flourish. Many times businesses consider implementation from a technical point of view and forget to take into consideration customer experience which might be the biggest mistake one can make. 

Personalization features such as tailored recommendations and targeted campaigns are possible when the information provided is accurate so customers know what they are liking and disliking and can make apt decisions. Enriched product data and high-resolution visual assets need to be in your database to be distributed by PIM.  


It is important to ensure that the PIM system is integrated with other systems in order to provide an efficient workflow for managing products throughout their lifecycle and keep up-to-date information available at all times. By following these best practices organizations can improve customer satisfaction by offering them a more comprehensive view of their products while also reducing operational costs associated with manual data entry processes. 

These tips combined will help ensure that not only businesses save time by streamlining processes but also gain valuable insights into consumer trends & behaviours through their own internal systems – ultimately leading towards increased sales & profits over time!  

Best practices ensure the best workflows and ultimately growth

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